A modo de recordatorio para mí y a quien le pueda servir, incluyo la configuración para integrar la estación meteorológica Sainlogic o Easyweather WS-3500 en Home Assistant en tiempo real.
Esta es la configuración que debemos aplicar en la estación meteorológica mediante su aplicación desde el móvil. Un servidor personalizado (Customized) que será nuestra instalación de Home Assistant.
Después, en HA, en el fichero de configuration.yaml debemos incluir el siguiente código:
template: - trigger: - platform: webhook webhook_id: pws sensor: # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Temperature - name: "PWS - Temperatura" device_class: temperature state: "{{ ((trigger.data.tempf | float - 32) / 1.8) | round(1) }}" unit_of_measurement: "°C" - name: "PWS - Temperatura (indoor)" device_class: temperature state: "{{ ((trigger.data.tempinf | float - 32) / 1.8) | round(1) }}" unit_of_measurement: "°C" # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Humidity - name: "PWS - Humedad" device_class: humidity state: "{{ trigger.data.humidity }}" unit_of_measurement: "%" - name: "PWS - Humedad (indoor)" device_class: humidity state: "{{ trigger.data.humidityin }}" unit_of_measurement: "%" # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Barometer - name: "PWS - Barometro (relativa)" device_class: pressure state: "{{ (trigger.data.baromrelin | float * 33.86) | round(1) }}" unit_of_measurement: "hPa" - name: "PWS - Barometro (absoluta)" device_class: pressure state: "{{ (trigger.data.baromabsin | float * 33.86) | round(1) }}" unit_of_measurement: "hPa" # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Rain - name: "PWS - Velocidad Lluvia" state: "{{ (trigger.data.rainratein | float * 2.54) | round(0) }}" unit_of_measurement: "mm/h" - name: "PWS - Lluvia" state: "{{ (trigger.data.dailyrainin | float * 2.54) | round(0) }}" unit_of_measurement: "mm" # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Sun - name: "PWS - Radiacion Solar" device_class: illuminance state: "{{ trigger.data.solarradiation }}" unit_of_measurement: "W/m²" - name: "PWS - UV" device_class: illuminance state: "{{ trigger.data.uv }}" unit_of_measurement: "UV Index" # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Wind - name: "PWS - Velocidad Viento" state: "{{ (trigger.data.windspeedmph | float * 0.44704) | round(1) }}" unit_of_measurement: "m/s" - name: "PWS - Rafaga Viento" state: "{{ (trigger.data.windgustmph | float * 0.44704) | round(1) }}" unit_of_measurement: "m/s" - name: "PWS - Direccion Viento" state: "{{ trigger.data.winddir }}" unit_of_measurement: "°" # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Misc - name: "PWS - Typo Estacion" state: "{{ trigger.data.stationtype }}" unit_of_measurement: "" # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Ecowitt does not support the extra information as with Wunderground, so lets calculate them # # Dewpoint # https://www.ajdesigner.com/phphumidity/dewpoint_equation_dewpoint_temperature.php - name: "PWS - Punto Rocio" state: "{{ ((trigger.data.humidity | float / 100) ** (1 / 8) * (112 + 0.9 * ((trigger.data.tempf | float - 32) / 1.8)) + 0.1 * ((trigger.data.tempf | float - 32) / 1.8) - 112) | round(1) }}" unit_of_measurement: "°C"

Información extraída del tutorial de https://domotica.solar/